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Chap 373

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Chap 373 Empty Chap 373

Message par Shield Mar 8 Sep - 20:09

Sheetz a écrit:ゆけ スターク!  とスターク
Stark cries, "Go Stark!"

The pack of wolves all swoop down on Love and Rose

棍棒ともう一人の髪の長い男性の武器は鞭 金薔薇ウイップ?w 鞭の先端に薔薇
Rose's weapon is a whip. (Golden Rose Whip? The tip is a rose.)

They keep taking down the wolves but when Love is bitten by one there is an explosion.

爆発から脱出し ラブ これは一体一体セロでできているぞ!?
He escapes the explosion. "What the hell! Are these made of ceros!?"

スターク セロなんかじゃあんた達にたいしてダメージが与えられないのはわかっている
Stark: I know that ceros won't do damage against you.

These are my own spirit that's been divided. These are all Stark.

This is the ability of Starck (he gives his full name) Lilynette (full name)!

ラブ・ロンゲ !? 囲まれ一斉に爆発 瀕死の状態へ・・・
Love and Rose are surrounded and they explode all at once. They are on the verge of death...

スターク もうどうだい降参したら? と空から地上へと降りて足がついた途端に
Stark: "Giving up already?" Just as he lands on the ground,

後ろから 刀が心の臓に突き刺さった所で 完です。
from behind he's pierced through the heart by a sword. The end.

伸びてきたのかわかりませんが スタークの後ろには誰も書かれていませんでした
Nja says he doesn't know who it was who came from behind
Cleaner HNT
Cleaner HNT

Nombre de messages : 740
Age : 32
Localisation : Pauméééééé =D !
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2007

Battle's Level
Points: 5

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Chap 373 Empty Re: Chap 373

Message par metsu Mar 8 Sep - 23:14

ça promet tout ça,

starck est vraiment incroyable,
l'air cool et en plus, plus degourdis que le reste de l'espada.
Vu comme le possible futur Hokage
Vu comme le possible futur Hokage

Nombre de messages : 618
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2006

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Chap 373 Empty Re: Chap 373

Message par Shield Mer 9 Sep - 18:35

Sheetz a écrit:(TN: This is Nja's answer to a question about whether or not the sword went through Starck's hollow hole)
Stark's hole is around his throat, right?
He was pierced below that, in the middle of his heart.

The name of Rose's technique was given also, but I forgot it.
He twirled (his whip) around, making explosions.
ラブ お前のほうこそ魔法みたいじゃないか(スターク技をみてローズの技に対して)
Love, observing Rose's techniques against Starck, says it's like Love is using witchcraft.
ローズ 魔法となんか一緒にしないでくれ 僕のは 芸術だ!!
Rose answers that it's not witchcraft, it's art!
They joke around like this.

TN : Here Nja answers a question about the sword that pierced Starck:
普通の刀っぽかったですね大きくなく 刃は残念ながら見えてませんでしたが
It's an ordinary looking sword, not huge. Unfortunately you can't see the blade,
but you see something like blood (or that it's painted black).

Quevache a écrit:"Coyote Starrk" (コヨーテ スターク Koyōte Sutāku)


"Lilynette Gingerback" (リリネット ジンジャーバック Ririnetto Jinjābakku)

Rose's Zanpakutou is Kinshara (金沙羅). Its release call is "play" (奏でろ kanadero).

"Play" is as in "an instrument playing." Kinshara is "golden shala," the shala (also written sal, shaal) is a tree of south Asia; one legend has it that it was under one of these shala that Buddha was born. The Japanese rending shara (written with the characters "sand-gossamer") is apparently just phonetic.

The technique it uses, "Kinshara Eleventh Sonata" (金沙羅奏曲第十一番 Kinshara Soukyoku Daijuuichiban), is called Izayoi Bara (十六夜薔薇 "sixteen-night rose"). The spoilers say he strikes the tip of the whip in the direction of his opponent, seems to strike the whip like a piano's keys, and the tip of the whip causes an explosion (with a "?" next to "explosion").

Bara can also be written shoubi. Izayoi is usually taken to mean "sixteen-day-old moon."

At the bottom, he says that he doesn't think the blade that stabbed Starrk's belonged to that "Nnoitra-looking kid," which I suppose means Wonderweiss.

CG a écrit:The two (Rose and Love) don their masks to confront the attacking wolves.

Rose goes shikai as well, "Play (kanadero), Kinshara (golden sal tree)".
His sword turns into whip from the guard down. It bears a flower on the tip, maybe a rose.

Roses uses technique "Golden sal tree, the 11th sonata, 16-day-old moon rose".
As the tip of the whip hits an opponent, he touches the whip as if he plays piano, and the tip makes an explosion.

Even though the wolves are getting beaten, there're so many of them that it seems endless, [the tip] comes in contact with wolves and they explode.

Love still getting bombed speculates that these wolves came out of Stark's guns' magazines, thus they are a huge mass of ceros.

Here Stark comments that they are not ceros, they're split pieces of his own soul, they're like brethren in arms and lot of them obeys him becoming his weapon, these wolves are Stark and Lillynette, they are Primera, Stark Coyote and Lillynette Gingerbell's ability. Stark says that the victory in this fight is already decided, but if they just go and run for it, he'll spare them and leave them be.

Love who already lost his sunglasses by this time says, "Don't underestimate us!", and retaliates.

Starks standing on top of a telephone pole says that he doesn't enjoy finishing his opponent off, but in this case he's going to have to do it. And in this moment he gets stubbed from behind. The end.

Because the picture is blackened it's hard to say definitely, but the sword seems kinda too big. Also Stark got pierced below his hollow hole, so I don't think Stark could pull a Nnoitra on us [TN: meaning that even when Nnoitra got stubbed right into his left eye in his fight with Kenpachi, he took no damage due to his hollow hole being there]
Cleaner HNT
Cleaner HNT

Nombre de messages : 740
Age : 32
Localisation : Pauméééééé =D !
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2007

Battle's Level
Points: 5

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Chap 373 Empty Re: Chap 373

Message par Shield Mer 9 Sep - 22:54

Troisième vague~

Chap 373 37301
Chap 373 37302
Chap 373 37303
Cleaner HNT
Cleaner HNT

Nombre de messages : 740
Age : 32
Localisation : Pauméééééé =D !
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2007

Battle's Level
Points: 5

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Chap 373 Empty Re: Chap 373

Message par metsu Jeu 10 Sep - 13:54

Oo c'est quoi se delire,
barragan est tombé en 4 chapitres, mais bon il avait pas la classe.

Mais Stark qui se fait battre en 2 chapitres, vive le delire.
Vu comme le possible futur Hokage
Vu comme le possible futur Hokage

Nombre de messages : 618
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2006

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Chap 373 Empty Re: Chap 373

Message par Shield Jeu 10 Sep - 15:47

Sheetz a écrit:ブリーチ BLEACH ネタバレ 373.Wolves Ain't Howl Alone
<<< スターク VS ラヴ&ローズ >>>
Starrk VS Love and Rose
見渡す限りの狼の群れの中央に スタークはいた
Stark is standing in the midst of a pack of wolves stretching as far as the eye can see.
スタークの腕に下がっていた銃は なぜか見当たらず
The gun hanging from his arm is for some reason gone.
そしてその表情は 悲しみを帯びていた
And his expression is tinged with sadness.
そして スタークは呟くように言った
He mutters,
スターク:「いくぜ スターク」
Stark: "Go, Starrk"
スタークの合図で 一斉にラヴとローズに向って駆け出す狼
At his signal, the wolves all rush towards Love and Rose.
Rose: "They're coming!!"
Love: "Right!!"
They don their masks without a moment's delay.
次々と向ってくる狼達を ラブは棍棒で応酬した
One by one Love beats down on the approaching wolves with his cudgel.
Then Rose goes shikai.
Rose: "Play, Sal Tree!!!"
すると ローズの刀が縄のように伸び 
His sword stretches out like a rope.
On the tip there's a single flower.
狼を 鞭のような動きで 切り裂いていった
He uses it like a whip and cuts up the wolves.
Love: "These guys are like flames! There's no end to them!!"
ローズ:「厄介だなぁ! ボクこういう魔法みたいな
     得体の知れない技が 一番キライなんだよ・・・」
Rose: "How bothersome! I dislike these strange, witchcraft-like techniques. They're the worst..."
そういい終わるが否や ローズ言った
As he finishes saying this,
ローズ:「金沙羅奏曲 第十一番―――〝十六夜薔薇〟」
Rose: "Golden Sal Tree Sonata #11---16th Night Rose"
そしてローズは 縄のように伸びた刀に
ピアノの鍵盤を叩くように 指を這わせた
He motions his fingers on the rope-like sword as if he were playing the piano.
ローズの 縄のように伸びた刀の先端部分の花が 大爆発した
The flower on the end of the sword causes an explosion.
ラヴ:「オメーの技の方が よっぽど魔法じゃねぇか!!」
Love: "It's really your technique that's a lot like witchcraft!!"
ローズ:「冗談! ボクのはアート!! 魔法とアートは似て非なるものだよ!」
Rose: "You jest! Mine is art!! Witchcraft and art are falsely similar!"
そしてラヴとローズは 狼の群れと戦うが 
The two of them continue fighting the wolves,
狼達も ローズの刀に噛み付いたりで
戦いは 苦戦を強いられた
but it's a hard fought battle with the wolves snapping at Rose's sword.
一匹の狼が ラヴの足に噛み付いたその瞬間
One of the wolves bite at Love's foot.
At that instant there's a huge explosion and flash,
ラヴとローズは その煙に飲み込まれた
and they are engulfed in smoke.
ラヴ:「げほっ げほっ ローズ!! ローズ!! 聞こえるか!?」
Love: "Cough, cough. Rose!! Rose!! Can you hear me!?"
煙の中から飛び出したラヴは ローズに向って声をかけた
He leaps out of the smoke and heads towards Rose as he calls out.
同時に 煙の中から脱出していたローズは ラヴの後方から返事をした
At the same time, Rose escapes from the smoke and responds to Love from behind.
Rose: "What was that?"
ラヴ:「わかったぞ! 奴ら炎じゃねえ! 虚閃だ!!
Love: "I figured it out! They aren't flames! They're ceros!!
    あの狼共 十刃の弾倉から出てきた!
Those wolves are made from espada revolver cylinders!
    一匹一匹があいつが打ってた 虚閃のカタマリだ!!
One by one they were attacking, these Lumps of ceros!!
    接近戦での 爆発はヤべえ・・・」
The explosions are a pain when fighting in close combat..."
そう言ったラヴの背後から 狼達は現れ 
Wolves appear from behind Love.
They bite at him.
ラヴ:「く・・・ そ・・・ッ」
Love: "Oh...damn"
Once again there an explosion and smoke.
狼達とラヴ&ローズの戦いを 遠巻きに眺めていたスタークは言った
Starrk watches them battling from a distance.
Starrk: "...They aren't ceros, you know.
      ただの虚閃なら 致命傷を与える力はねぇさ
If they were only ceros they couldn't inflict a fatal wound.
      自分自身の魂そのものを 分かち 引き裂き
They are my own soul that's been divided up
      同胞のように連れ従え それそのものを武器とする
These followers are like my brethren, and I use them as my weapons.
      その狼の弾頭は スタークであり リリネット
Those wolverine warheads are Starrk and Lilynette.
      それが俺達 第1十刃 コヨーテ・スターク
That's the ability of the #1 Espada, Coyote Starrk Lilynette Gingerback."
片ひざをついて 息荒げに呼吸する ラヴとローズだった
After the smoke lifts we see Love and Rose, on their knees and breathing heavily.
その姿を見とめたスタークは ラヴとローズに向って言った
Seeing them Starrk says,
スターク:「・・・勝負あったろ 逃げりゃ見逃すぜ」
Starrk: "The match is done. If you flee I'll look the other way."
スタークの言葉に 「ペッ」とつばを吐き
眼鏡なしの すごんだ表情のラヴがひと言 吐き捨てた
Love, who's lost his glasses, spits out in disgust:
Love:"...Don't treat us lightly"
Starrk: "....Oh, really?
      仕方無え トドメって言葉は好きじゃねぇが・・・
I suppose I have no choice. I don't like the word, "clincher," but...
Here's the clincher."
そう言い 一歩前に踏み出したスタークの体のど真ん中を 
背後から 鋭利な何かが突き刺さった
Before he can take one step forward, Starrk is pierced from behind
by a sharp object through the middle of his body.
What is this blade?
ヴリーチ BLEACH 374へ続く
Continued in Bleach 374.
Cleaner HNT
Cleaner HNT

Nombre de messages : 740
Age : 32
Localisation : Pauméééééé =D !
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2007

Battle's Level
Points: 5

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Chap 373 Empty Re: Chap 373

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